Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lab 6: DEMs!

1) For this Lab I chose as my area of interest Lake Tahoe and it's surrounding shores in California/Nevada in the United States, a place where I visit in the winter fairly often. I felt that it would be interesting to see the great disparity between the still surface of a lake (or even if it was represented as flat in an elevation model) and the huge mountain ranges surrounding it. The DEM that I obtained from the USGS site uses the North American GCS from 1983, and the extent of the DEM is (approximately) Top: 39.256 decimal degrees, Left: -120.343 decimal degrees, Right: -119.801 decimal degrees, and Bottom: 38.880 decimal degrees.

2) Shaded Relief Model

3) Slope Map

4) Aspect Map

5) 3D Image

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